Special Transportations
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3 Supplier(s) found (0.252 sec)
Golden Member : Special Transportation Manufacturers & Suppliers

Shanghai Bai Qin Machinery Co., Ltd.

Shanghai Baiqin Machinery Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacture and sale of bulk feed transportation trucks and livestock transportation trucks. We also provide turn-key project of modern feed mills and standard poultry & livestock houses. Our main products include bulk feed pneumatic transportation trucks, bulk feed electrical auger trucks and special transportation ...

    China China
Primary member : Special Transportation Suppliers & Manufacturers

TopSpin Design Co.

TSD boron nitride thermal coating utilizing hexagonal boron nitride powder as an inorganic coating material to effectively become an advanced material for industry uses. Topspin Design uses its leading production knowledge and experience of boron nitride powder in the high-tech industry thermal conductivity & mold release applications and re-formulated a leading ...

    Taiwan Taiwan


Jj rv established in the 2000. We start our first trailer in vancouver, Canada. In the five year of learning and technical trainning. We bought back the skill and formed the company in Taiwan. Currently we build rvs and export rv parts to various countries. Please visit our website and send us inquiry.

    Taiwan Taiwan