Guangzhou Master Automobile Tech. Co., Ltd.

Company Information

Company Introduction :Guangzhou Master Automobile Tech. Co., Ltd. is the leading manufacturer of automotive and motorcycle diagnostic equipment by adopting the latest automotive/motorcycle, Internet and computer technologies through continuous research and direct marketing.

Through many years of service to the automotive aftermarket, we understand the pains and growing challenges of servicing your customers: rapid increase in the number of new car models, more complex software engineered into today's vehicles, and limited budget for equipment. With those challenges in mind, we have developed the MST-1 to meet your needs

In addition to the MST-1, Guangzhou Master also offers the MST300, an easy to use entry level code reader, with multilingual language support. Meanwhile, according to our customers' need, the automotive voltage regulator MST-60 for safe vehicle ECU programming, digital battery analyzer SC100 and MST-8000 for both car and motor batteries, sensor signal simulation generator MST-9000 for assistant of ECU repair etc. All these products have been developed and launched to the market. What's more, with our R&D department's continuous effort, both handheld and PC version scanner for motorcycles had been manufactured. Moreover, we will continue to introduce more high quality products at an affordable cost in future. We'll be always your reliable manufacturer of auto & motor diagnostic tools!
Main Products :Wiring Assistance kit,Universal scan tool,Lift,3D Wheel Alignment,Tire Changer,Tyre balancer,Motorcycle scanner,Multimeter,Battery Starter,Brake disc Aligner
Business Nature :Trading Company

Contact us

Company Name :Guangzhou Master Automobile Tech. Co., Ltd.
Contact Person :Ms. Aimee Zheng
Address :Room 906, No. 1400 Baiyun Da Dao North,
City :Guangzhou
Province / State :Guangdong
Country :China China
Telephone :86-0-2028276835
Fax :86-0-2028276835