Company Introduction : | Chinlead International Corp. is the direct successor of theoriginal "Ching Fong" general store started by En Huang.That small general store, renamed Ching Fong Trading Co. in1947 and Chinlead International Corp. in 1961, imported andexported a variety of products. The long list of productsincludes automobile and motorcycle parts, lubricating oils,chemicals, plastic resins, conveyor belts, generators,outboard motors, and more. Chinlead also supplies cement,steel, cars, motorcycles and equipment for furnituremanufacturing, office automation, transportation, paintingand environmental protection and safety.In 1960, the lubrication division, which sold lubricantsand chemicals for cars and machineries, created Fong TaTrading Corp. Similarly, in 1978 the division thatdistributed generators and outboard motors created KingmateCorp.Chinlead plays an important role in facilitating the effortof this Group to extend all over the world. The companysupports many overseas operations to this Group withnecessary equipment and parts."Chinfon advantage" ensures that we will develop stablywith numerous projects. Especially focus on the emergingmarkets of Asia, where the rules of importation arefrequently changed. |