Wuxi AFL Flow Controls Equipment E/I Co. Ltd.

Company Information

Company Introduction :AFL Group is a leading manufacturer and exporter of the flow control products in Shanghai area of China. In the light of ISO9001:2000, ISO5211, NAMUR standards and 94/9/EC OF 23 MARCH, EN13980, EN60079-0:2006 EN60079-1:2004 directives, AFL Group and...
Business Nature :OEM Manufacturer, Exporter/Agent
Current Export Markets :North America / South America / Caribbean / West Europe / East Asia / Southeast Asia / Mid-East / Africa / Australia / New Zealand / China / Hong Kong

Contact us

Company Name :Wuxi AFL Flow Controls Equipment E/I Co. Ltd.
Contact Person : Cindy Wu
Address :9B Deyuan Mansion,78# Wuai Road, Wuxi,Ji
Country :China China
Telephone :0086-5-1085222125
Fax :0086-5-1085223552