Sheng Teng Electron is an OEM supplier, a leading flasherand relay manufacturer and a DOT approved, ISO9001certificated supplier in Taiwan. Our ability in attainingeconomic of scale in top quality automotive productsallowed us to establish the reputation.Sheng Teng Electron makes a commitment to providing thecustomers with the most sophisticated service andtechnology and works closely with our customers to achievethe the most flexible level of bilateral interaction.Sheng Teng Electron was established in 1971 and hasexpanded the product line to flasher, relay, switch, buzzerand headlamp wire kit. The marketing channels cover mostmajor markets in the world. Sheng Teng Electron' key tosuccess has always been the ability to provide customizedsolutions that matches the customers' specific demands.Sheng Teng Electron's philosophy is to hold the customers'interest in the highest esteem. ...