MingFong technology is a professional equipment manufacturer and focus on process automation & equipment customization. We are specialized in,LCD industrial:Thin film cleaning machineIonizing blower,Static neutralizing ooseneck nozzle,Static neutralizing gun,Static neutralizing bars
Chemical industrial:Silicon manual/automatic filler,Planetary Mixer,Static Mixers - Machine
PCB industrial:CNC automatic PP drilling machine,X-ray sequence board corrector,Horizontal board (double slot) loader/collector,High speed loader,Solder retriever,Horizontal Fan
Ink cassette assembly machine
MingFong consists by a group of engineers with overall experience more than 10 years. Key technologies, high precision standard is the key to make sure the product quality to achieve excellent. Beside the spirit of passion, service, creation and vitality, quality excellent and customer always right are the mottos of our operation.
MingFong believes providing high quality, good service, reasonable price, and excellent technical support will lead company to face challenge and success in this industrial. ...
Chemical industrial:Silicon manual/automatic filler,Planetary Mixer,Static Mixers - Machine
PCB industrial:CNC automatic PP drilling machine,X-ray sequence board corrector,Horizontal board (double slot) loader/collector,High speed loader,Solder retriever,Horizontal Fan
Ink cassette assembly machine
MingFong consists by a group of engineers with overall experience more than 10 years. Key technologies, high precision standard is the key to make sure the product quality to achieve excellent. Beside the spirit of passion, service, creation and vitality, quality excellent and customer always right are the mottos of our operation.
MingFong believes providing high quality, good service, reasonable price, and excellent technical support will lead company to face challenge and success in this industrial. ...